I chose to Become homeless, Tired of searching home.

I am the ocean.
I am the hills.
I am the sky.
The universe hides in me.

Tired of searching home I chose to become homeless.
Traveled to the cities my parents were afraid to send me.
Ate less but ate healthy.
Accepted a drag but smoked a whole cigarette.
Spent all night under the stars
Traveled alone to unknown places and met unknown people.
Fell in love.
Cried all night.
Missed the stars.
Pretended to ignore someone's kindness.
Earned money.
Ate good food with good people and had inspiring talks.
Said goodbyes.
Made art.
Met soulmates.
Fell out of love.
Abandoned cigarettes.
Walked for hours.
Tired ,Slept in bus.
Decided not to make promises.
Spent all savings.
Decided to escape again.
Traveled again.
Betrayed by many.
Fooled by many.
Received blessings from kind souls.
Decided to meet as many artists as i can.
Ran away from attachments.
Ran at the station to catch the train.
Laughed a little too much.
Sang all night.
No internet. No phone network.
Traveled by metro for the first time.
 Ate too much chicken rolls.
Abused by relatives.
Found a family of artists wherever i went.
Cried after spending 125 bucks on an just ice - cream, by mistake.
Said hi to the sea for the first time.
Met and inspired by people who are irony to their age.
Said goodbye again.
Made art again.
Writing again.
Thank you


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