Don't focus on these things to be granted

Don't focus on these things to be granted

Now that I know the feel of missing things from my life which I thought I would never lose.

First , Don't take these hands and legs for granted.
Before leaving home , we had our own vehicle to travel anywhere we wish to.  Even to the grocery store near by.
Now we travel by foot for hours doesn't matter how harsh the sun is but when we return back to our place exhausted , we get a peaceful sleep.
I say It's okay to travel by public transport or by foot even if you have expensive cars.

Secondly,  Don't take people for granted.
I understand that the thought of  being a cynic and with a damaged soul you don't know how to react when somebody gives you what you deserve but be grateful for whatever others have done for you.
Send as much positive vibes as you can. In life you 'll meet many people who will hold you up and many who break you down but in the end you thank both of them.

Thirdly, Don't take food for granted.

No matter how chaotic relationship we had with our mother but the food she used to cook for us can never be compared with anything.
Bhai and me couldn't afford a room with kitchen but arranged a toaster at least.  We have muesli and a toast as breakfast and no assurance for further meals of the day.  But whatever we eat gives us contentment cause we earn it.
We make sure not to waste food.

Fourth and last for the day,
Don't take this sky , sunrise , sunset  , the moon and stars for granted.
Nature has given you in abundance and so you ignore it.  Watch and Realize the beauty of  a sunset and sunrise and you 'll never feel lonely.  I talk to the moon , I don't crave for human interaction.  " It's not that I dislike humans but I love nature more "

Realize that you have a powerful soul which can create miracles.


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