A Wolf Sneaks Up Behind A Man. Watch What Happens When He Turns Around...

 For many of our beloved veterans who risk their lives defending our freedom, they return home with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In a recent statistic, over 20% of the men and women fighting in the Middle East suffer from PTSD. And how can you blame them? They witness trauma, stress, and anxiety on a daily basis, and many of the things they have experienced are far beyond what you and I could even imagine. With so many veterans struggling with PTSD, there is a strong need for better ways to cope and heal.

 One such way is wolf therapy. While it sounds weird and strange, wolf therapy is actually helping many veterans suffering form PTSD heal. In the video below, you can take a glimpse at Lockwood Animal Rescue Center where veterans with PTSD are interacting with wolves through the Warriors and Wolves program.


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